If you’ve ever tried to track down a sensual massage where you’re from, you know how difficult it can be. Once you start going down the Craigslist massage rabbit hole, you probably know you’re either in the wrong place or you need to stop. All of these posts are either from not very attractive women, are posts with no pictures at all, are from dudes, or will send you on a link to a local Chinese massage parlor, where most of the women are three times your age. Whatever posting it is, you likely won’t be happy with the end result. That is why in order to locate the best massage you need to start with a good source. It is like a fantastic recipe. You need to start with the best ingredients. If you start with junk, you’ll only end up with junk.
So How Do You Find The Very Best Massage? Well You’re in Las Vegas So You’re Already in the Right Place
Las Vegas is the perfect destination to receive a sensual massage. That is because you’re already starting off with the right ingredients. You have the right destination and a variety of beautiful girls who are ready and willing to give you a massage. The next step is to actually locate the right girl.
For starters, you again don’t want to go down that Craigslist rabbit hole. Yes, the quality of girls will likely increase, but still, you don’t want to try it. You never really know if the pictures accurately depict the girl (kind of like that Tinder date you went on she the pictures of the girl are great, but then you show up and shes 75 pounds heavier than her pictures and about 10 years older…in any other business you’d be sued for that. Hmmm, is it possible to sue someone for misrepresentation on Tinder?).
So, instead of going with one of these kinds of postings on Craigslist or Backpage, you need to go with a different option. Thankfully in Las Vegas there are plenty of services that provide this exact option. Las Vegas is all about pleasing you and leaving you satisfied, so naturally this always begins with the quality of the girl and making sure she looks like her picture.
Selecting the Right Kind of Massage is Important. What Kind of Massage Would You Like?
When booking a girl to give you a massage, just about any option you select is going to be sensual. It isn’t like the spa where you’re on a table with your head shoved into that makeshift hemorrhoid pillow. No, this is totally different. The girl is going to work you up and down and she will have no problem getting on top of you and working your body. But how do you want her to work your body? do you want her to be naked along with you? Not a problem there. In fact, that is almost always a given. But how would you like her to touch you? That is something that will change a bit.
For starters, would you like her to give you the classic NURU massage? This is a Japanese massage that uses a NURU massage oil derived from seaweed. It is tasteless and odorless but it helps with the transmitting of body heat. This way, your girl’s body heat can open up your muscles. Nothing like a woman’s boobs opening up your back muscles. You may never want a regular hand massage again. Perhaps you actually do need a bit more muscle relief though. You can go with a Thai massage, which works around pressure points. You can also look at a Chinese massage, which works with energy points (this is a bit different form the location of pressure points). You can go with just a regular rub down, and of course you can usually add on other features with your massage as well. It all just comes down to what you want out of your massage.
In Las Vegas you are already in the right spot for a sensual massage. You just need to pick out the girl and the kind of massage you’d like.